Cosmetic Services

Cutera Pico
Enlighten Laser

Booking Information

Laser appointments with consultant dermatologists are currently heavily booked, please check the wait time before making an appointment with your consultant dermatologist for laser treatments.

The Enlighten system used by independent dermatologists consulting from ESD is a laser platform for the treatment of benign pigmented lesions and tattoo removal. It features both nano and picosecond pulse durations and 3 different wavelengths 532 nm, 1064 nm and 670 nm.

In addition, the Enlighten system used by your dermatologist offers:

PICO Genesis - a non-invasive treatment designed to eliminate unwanted freckles, pigment spots, uneven skin tone after a series of 2-3 treatments. This treatment is ideal for the face, chest and hands where signs of sun damage are most obvious.

As the treatment is delivered, it will feel like a series of light pin pricks, if you find the experience uncomfortable, a topical anaesthetic can be applied prior to treatment.

Following treatment mild redness is normal, that typically subsides within 24 hours. Over subsequent days the spots of pigment that have been treated will become darker and gradually flake off.

PICO Genesis FX – a laser treatment to revitalise aging skin and skin imperfections including acne scarring.

    The FX setting delivers ultra-short pulses of fractionated laser energy to create micro-wounds in the upper layers of the skin to induce collagen stimulation and remodelling. As the treatment is fractionated energy, the majority of the skin is unaffected leading to faster healing times.

    The treatment is more uncomfortable compared to PICO Genesis and a topical anaesthetic is recommended prior to treatment.

    Post treatment your skin will be red, minor pinpoint bruising can be expected, there will be darkening in areas of pre-existing pigment and minor crusting.

    Best results are seen 12 weeks after a course of 2 to 3 treatments.

    For more information:

    experts in skincare

    Dermatologists consulting from Eastern Suburbs Dermatology provide consultative and procedural services are all Fellows of the Australasian College of Dermatologists.

    Practising individual dermatologists consulting from Eastern Suburbs Dermatology have sub-specialisation interests in paediatric dermatology, surgical dermatology, and women’s and cosmetic dermatology.